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Inquérito para participação - Centre for the Rule of Law and European Values - um Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence (2022-2025)

O inquérito em causa é coordenado pela representante da associação nacional cipriota, a Prof.ª Doutora Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou.

O projeto em causa relaciona-se com vários temas de Congressos FIDE já realizados e bem assim objeto do próximo Congresso FIDE, a realizar em 2025 em Katowice (Polónia). Dada a relevância deste inquérito, a APDE partilha o texto (na língua inglesa) respeitante ao mesmo:

Centre for the Rule of Law and European Values - um Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence (2022-2025) invites all citizens and residents of EU member states, as well as Israel, Russia, the UK, and Ukraine, who are 18 and over, to share their opinions and experiences on the following issues: 

Access to Democracy: please access for more information, or to participate. 

Media and Disinformation: please access for more information, or to participate.

Access to Justice: please access for more information, or to participate. 

Corruption and Transparency: please access for more information, or to participate.

If you are a legal professional based in an EU member state, Israel, Russia, the UK, and Ukraine, then the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for the Rule of Law and European Values would be grateful to have your input on the following issues:

Access to Justice:

Corruption and Transparency:

If you have questions about the surveys, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Alex M. Uibariu at or